I would teach my own son the power of the word, the art of oration. To express his thoughts, to represent his nation, And make money openly, with flair and style, With a voice that commands attention, with a smile. I would advise him to invest in crypto, to be on the watch, And never let his money slip away, to never be caught By the winds of change, by the tides of time, For riches are made when you’re ahead of the climb. I would tell him of the folks who’ve made mind-boggling amounts On YouTube, Medium, and Affiliate Marketing, and how they’ve counted Their coins with pride, with a twinkle in their eye, And how he too can be a part of this, if he’s willing to try. I would warn him of the NFT craze, and how it can lead astray! And he must be careful, learn the game, if he dares to play. And as we talk, we live in the AI craze, with ChatGPT leading the way! I would ask him to be wise, frugal, and invest his efforts in AI today.

But there’s one thing, my son, I must impart, A lesson that’s dear to my heart. I would advise you to never touch a woman until your 25th birthday! For buying this time, my son, could help you be rich in every way. For independence is key, before you start to care For other people’s needs, their endless repair. So live your youth, my son, with reckless abandon, And soak in the beauty of life, before you take on The winds of poignant memory, childhood, youthfulness, and romance. And the beautiful learning that comes with a second chance.

So never forget, my son, the words that I impart, For they are the keys to a life with a full heart. And one day, he too will be a master Of wealth, wisdom, wit, and laughter. Inspiring others to follow in his path, And make their own mark in this world of math. So let us dance, my son, let us dance to the beat! Of life’s drum, and let us never miss a beat. For life is a journey, a journey full of fun, And together, we’ll find our wealth, under the sun!

And as we walk, hand in hand, down this road of life, We’ll share stories, jokes, and endless delight. And we’ll look back on these years with a smile on our face, And know that we lived with purpose and with grace. And never forget the power of God in your life, my dear son, For He is the source of all wisdom, the one you should trust to run Your life, and never let go of your faith in Him, no matter what you do, For He is the source of all love, and He will always see you through.

BUT! I am not my own father, the old man long went to a land beyond the reach of eyes and arms. The scars failed to heal about him. I dearly care to tear from my heart a piece to give as a guide to youthful wealth and wisdom.
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